The officers to be deployed under the UN Multidimensional Stabilization Integrated Mission in CAR (MINUSCA) constitute three contingents.
Formed Police Unit Two (FPU-2) of 180 officers under the command of Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Boniface Niyitegeka, will be deployed in Kaga Bandoro; while 140 officers of FPU-1 headed by Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Jean Claude Munyeragwe and the Protection Support Unit (PSU) of 140 officers under the command of SSP IIdephonse Rutagambwa, will operate in the capital Bangui.
They will be deployed in phases effective this Saturday, April 20.
"Rwanda has been serving in CAR since 2014, build on the legacy left behind by other contingents that served before you to continue to raise the Rwandan flag high," DIGP Sano told the officers during the pre-deployment briefing.
He added that lot is expected of them as well trained, capable and equipped contingents.
The Deputy Police Chief pointed out that Rwanda and CAR enjoy good cooperation in various diplomatic and training areas.
"We don't expect any contradiction in what is expected of each one of you; do what you were trained to do as a team.
Think of how you will come back after 12 months; as a police officer who served with discipline, integrity and professionalism while respecting diversity," DIGP Sano emphasized.
He further urged them to work as a team with a collective purpose, protect each other, alway be on alert; and ensure that civilians and other people under their protection are safe.
DIGP Sano also told them to continue supporting the local communities through various outreach activities.
The FPUs specialize in public order management, protection of civilians, delivery of humanitarian assistance, escort duties and protection of UN facilities.
On the other hand, PSU undertakes special duties such as protection for VIPs, including the the Prime Minister of CAR, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) and two Deputy SRSG, President of the National Assembly of CAR, Minister of Justice and the Head of MINUSCA Police Component, among others.