A 900-year-old prophecy that could be fulfilled if the Pope dies #rwanda #RwOT


The prophecy originates from a mysterious text called 'The Prophecy of the Popes,' attributed to St. Malachy, an Irish archbishop who claimed to have received a vision during a visit to Rome in 1139.

This vision allegedly revealed the names and characteristics of 109 future popes, ending with a chilling prediction about the final pontiff.

Of the last pope, the prophecy states: 'In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.'

Pope Francis, as the 109th pope since St. Malachy's prophecy was written, fits this description, raising anxiety that his death could fulfill the prophecy.

While many scholars question the authenticity of The Prophecy of the Popes, some aspects of St. Malachy's predictions have been remarkably accurate.

Author Robert Howells, who has extensively researched the Catholic Church's secrets, delves into these prophecies in his book The Last Pope. According to Howells, the accuracy of some descriptions cannot be easily dismissed.

'Malachy wrote the prophecies in the 12th century and gave them to Pope Innocent II in 1139. He listed 109 remaining popes, ending with the last one, Peter the Roman. It's the only description in the prophecy with more than a few words,' Howells explains. '

Skeptics argue that the prophecy remained hidden in the Vatican archives until its publication in 1559, leaving room for potential embellishments. However, Howells points to examples that align with historical events.

Pope Francis is the 109th pope since St. Malachy's prophecy was written.

For instance, Pope Benedict XV, who reigned from 1914 to 1922, was described by Malachy as "religion depopulated." During his papacy, World War I claimed 20 million lives, the 1918 Spanish flu devastated Europe, and the Bolshevik Revolution spread atheism across Russia, an apt reflection of the phrase.

Similarly, Pope John Paul II, who served from 1978 to 2005, was called a 'shining star.' His papal coat of arms prominently featured a shining star, lending further credence to the prophecy's eerie accuracy.

According to Howells, such specific details are difficult to attribute to coincidence, particularly in cases where historical events align perfectly with Malachy's brief descriptions.

Some Popes have even tried to fit themselves into the prophecy. In 1958, Cardinal Spellman sailed a boat filled with sheep down the Tiber River to match the prophecy's reference to a "shepherd and mariner."

Yet, as Howells emphasizes, the prophecy's true power lies in instances where historical circumstances unfolded independently of Vatican influence.

Despite the intrigue surrounding St. Malachy's visions, the Vatican maintains a strict policy of neither confirming nor denying the authenticity of prophecies. Nevertheless, the fact remains that Pope Francis is the 109th pontiff since the prophecy's creation, leading many to wonder if his death could mark the beginning of the end.

Howells remains open-minded about how the prophecy could manifest. He suggests that the destruction of Rome may not necessarily involve a cataclysmic event. Instead, it could symbolize the weakening of the Catholic Church's influence, driven by declining faith worldwide and a dwindling number of new priests.

A Marble statue of Saint Malachy.

'It says, 'In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed,'' Howells notes.

'That suggests that Rome itself could be affected by war, an earthquake, or even a comet, which was a common concern when the prophecy was written.' While the prophecy's wording hints at apocalyptic scenarios, Howells cautions against interpreting it too literally.

'The destruction could be a thousand years away. It may simply mean that Pope Francis is the last pope on Malachy's list, not necessarily that his death will trigger the end of the world.' he says.

Whether one views The Prophecy of the Popes as divine foresight or medieval forgery, the ongoing health crisis of Pope Francis adds an unsettling layer to the ancient text.

With history providing examples that seemingly align with Malachy's descriptions, the question remains: Could the death of Pope Francis fulfill a prophecy nearly 900 years in the making?

Pope Francis is said to be in 'critical but stable condition.

Sam K Nkurunziza

Source : https://en.igihe.com/news/article/a-900-year-old-prophecy-that-could-be-fulfilled-if-the-pope-dies

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