While many countries saw a sharp rise in malaria cases in 2023, Rwanda's malaria cases continued to decline.
In contrast to nations like Ethiopia, where malaria cases increased by 1.5 million due to ongoing conflicts, and Madagascar, which reported 1.2 million more cases due to extreme weather events, Rwanda recorded a 36% reduction in malaria cases, with 300,000 fewer cases in 2023 compared to 2022. This marks a consistent decrease in malaria cases over the past four years.
Between 2019 and 2023, Rwanda's malaria cases dropped from 4.9 million to 749,000.
Several factors contributed to this decline, including a multisectoral approach that involved political engagement, local leadership ownership, and decentralization.
The government also strengthened malaria surveillance systems, using data to direct interventions to the most at-risk areas.
Key strategies included the implementation of Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) in 12 high-endemic districts, widespread distribution of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) in areas with high and moderate transmission, and the introduction of new-generation nets to address pyrethroid resistance.
Access to malaria diagnostics and treatment was expanded, with community care now available for adults, alongside children. Public awareness campaigns promoting free malaria services, preventive measures, and community involvement further contributed to the reduction.
According to the Rwanda Biomedical Centre, malaria cases in Rwanda dropped by 88% from over five million cases in 2016/2017 to 623,000 in 2023. Malaria-related deaths also saw a significant decline, from 600 in 2016/2017 to just 51 in 2023.
Besides, the WHO recognizes Rwanda, along with Cabo Verde (which is now malaria-free), as one of the countries making significant strides toward achieving the 2025 malaria reduction target.