Prime Minister Dr. Edouard Ngirente presided over the event, commissioning the graduates to the rank of Assistant Inspector of Police (AIP). He also recognized the top three performers: Frederick Ndinzi, Felix Nahimana, and Eric Manzi."
Dr. Ngirente emphasized the importance of security as a foundation for Rwanda's development. He praised the Rwanda National Police for collaborating with citizens and other security agencies to fulfil its responsibilities effectively, promoting trust among Rwandans and international partners.
He noted that despite Rwanda's current state of peace, global threats to securityâ"such as cross-border crimes, drug trafficking, and cybercrimesâ"require continuous vigilance.
The Prime Minister urged the police to remain prepared, engage with citizens to report crimes promptly and participate in national development activities.
Dr. Ngirente reaffirmed the government's commitment to strengthening the police force by providing equipment, infrastructure, personnel, and training to ensure public safety.
He called on the new officers to uphold integrity, professionalism, and their oath of service, while making the most of their opportunity to serve the nation.
The 12-month training program covered leadership, weapon handling, values, and discipline.
Among the 635 graduates, 527 were men and 108 women. Some of the graduates were already part of the police force, while others came from civilian backgrounds. A few represented other agencies, including the Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB), the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), and the Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS).
The program also featured four weeks of field practice and involvement in the July 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections, which provided hands-on experience.
CP Robert Niyonshuti, the Commandant of Gishari Police Training School, highlighted that two Rwandan trainees had studied at Singapore's Home Team Academy.
He noted that out of the 641 initial trainees, six did not complete the course due to health and other challenges. He encouraged the graduates to demonstrate professionalism and ethical conduct in their duties.
The ceremony was attended by key officials, including the Minister of Defense, Juvenal Marizamunda; Chief of Defense Staff of the Rwanda Defense Force, Gen Mubarakh Muganga; Inspector General of Police (IGP) Felix Namuhoranye; Secretary General of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), Aimable Havugiyaremye; Minister of Justice, Dr. Ugirashebuja Emmanuel; and other security and national leaders.
The parents and guardians of the graduates also attended to support them on this important milestone.