Youth commend transformative impact of CyberRwanda platform #rwanda #RwOT


The event was also a lively occasion, featuring various entertainment activities that resonated with the youth, including performances by artists Davis D and Shemi. The youth also displayed their talents through captivating performances in dance and fashion modeling.

Local Musician Davis D also made an appearance.

CyberRwanda, a digital platform dedicated to improving the health and well-being of young people aged 12 to 24, offers reliable information on sexual and reproductive health, alongside other resources designed to support their holistic development. In their testimonials, several youths highlighted the accuracy and relevance of the information they gained from the platform, which has empowered them to navigate adolescence with greater responsibility.

Athanase Nikobizaba, a 21-year-old who started using CyberRwanda in 2022, shared how the platform provided him with critical information he previously hesitated to seek from his parents, proving to be immensely beneficial.

Local Artist Shemi was among those who entertained the youth as well

"Before I discovered this platform, I used to hear myths from other boys, like having sex would clear acne or that girls should engage in sexual activities to avoid certain issues. CyberRwanda debunked these myths and provided credible information on how to handle such situations," he said. "I've also learned that every youth, regardless of disability, has potential, thanks to the entrepreneurship tips available on the platform."

Similarly, Solange Uwimana, who started using CyberRwanda in 2021 at the age of 19, expressed how the platform helped her adopt healthier behaviors during adolescence. "I used to be shy about buying sanitary pads during my periods, but now I do it without embarrassment. I also learned how to interact with people of the opposite sex in a healthy way, understanding the importance of abstinence until I am mature enough," she shared.

There are designated places where the youth received information privately from experts.

Uwimana added that before discovering CyberRwanda, it was challenging to access such essential information as many parents hesitate to discuss sexual and reproductive health with their children, fearing it might encourage premature sexual activities.
She encourages other youth to use the platform, noting that it offers a wealth of valuable resources, including educational stories, videos, and a space for asking questions, advice and help.

Yvonne Uwera, YLabs' Project Manager, explained that the outreach was organized to engage more youth and raise awareness about the platform's reliable resources on sexual and reproductive health and development.
"We want more youth to be aware of CyberRwanda and the services it offers, as it's a platform designed specifically for them, by their peers," said Uwera.

Yvonne Uwera stated that youths were engaged to further raise awareness about CyberRwanda.

She added that since its launch six years ago, the platform has supported many young people in navigating adolescence, and they plan to expand their reach by partnering with more youth centers.
Following the outreach in Bugesera, similar initiatives will continue in Kigali City and Nyanza District.

CyberRwanda, initiated by YLabs and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), was launched in 2018. The platform currently partners with 13 youth centers across the country, disseminating its services to the target beneficiaries.

The information available on this platform is contributed by over 1,000 youth and stakeholders, including parents, teachers, leaders, health experts, and others.
Given the transformative power of reliable information, CyberRwanda's role in empowering the next generation, is vital.

Various CyberRwanda staff delivered different messages to the youth.

As the platform continues to grow and reach more youth, it holds the promise of shaping a healthier, more informed future for Rwanda's young people.
The impact of initiatives like these extends far beyond the present, laying the foundation for a generation that is better equipped to make informed decisions, contribute to their communities, and build a brighter future.


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