He made the remarks while appearing before the Chamber of Deputies before the Committee on governance, gender equality, and social welfare. The session was centered on issues highlighted in the 2023-2024 report by the Rwanda Governance Board (RGB).
Responding to a question from MP Germaine Mukabalisa about efforts to improve journalists' welfare, Mugenzi clarified that journalists are primarily overseen by RGB.
"RGB does not report to MINALOC, meaning I cannot directly request their report, but we work together. However, this collaboration must be handled carefully to avoid misunderstandings. For example, if I were to speak on RGB's operations, people might question why I do not do the same for LODA, which is under my direct responsibility," he explained.
Although RGB does not report directly to MINALOC, Mugenzi assured that collaboration with different government bodies could help resolve these issues.
'The media agenda and journalists' welfare are matters we will continue to work on together because they fall under our mandate. Although their report is handled elsewhere, I can always engage with the Minister in charge to find a way forward," he said
"I assure you that this is not an unsolvable issue. What is important is to establish platforms for dialogue and consultation to address these challenges. Both RGB and MINALOC will work together to provide solutions to the concerns raised," Mugenzi emphasized.
The report by RGB revealed that 44.5% of journalists earn less than Rwf 200,000 per month, an amount deemed insufficient for journalists to perform their duties effectively.

It also indicated that only 42.9% of media outlets provide formal employment contracts to their employees, while only 28.6% offer social security benefits.
The report further highlighted the low representation of women in the media sector. Mugenzi acknowledged this concern but stressed that no one is excluded from the profession.
"Women should continue to increase their participation in the media industry, moving from the current 35% recorded in 2023 to 50% or even beyond," he stated.
The government, through collaborative efforts with RGB and other stakeholders, aims to address these challenges and create a conducive working environment for all media practitioners in the country.