The report was presented during the 57th session of the Economic Commission for Africa: Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Zuzana Schwidrowski, UNECA's director of macroeconomics, finance, and governance, highlighted that while African economies are resilient, growth rates are still insufficient to significantly drive social development across the continent.
She also pointed out ongoing risks such as global economic uncertainty, geopolitical tensions, and reduced aid, which could hinder growth.
Although intra-African trade is diversifying and becoming more vibrant in certain regions, overall trade's contribution to growth has declined compared to past levels.
The report also revealed that, despite a decline in extreme poverty across the continent, it remains persistently high in most regions, with North Africa as the only exception.
Climate change poses an additional challenge, with rising temperatures expected to lower agricultural yields, exacerbating food insecurity in some regions.

Source : https://en.igihe.com/economy/article/africa-s-gdp-growth-for-2025-projected-at-3-8