The growing impact of collective investment schemes in Rwanda's Capital Market #rwanda #RwOT


The virtual event brought together key industry leaders to educate the public on the advantages, risks, and accessibility of CIS.

CIS are investment funds that gather money from multiple investors and allocate it into a diversified portfolio of assets. These schemes offer several benefits, including professional fund management, lower investment risk through diversification, and access to investment opportunities that may be difficult for individual investors to reach.

In Rwanda, two CIS are currently licensed: the RNIT Iterambere Fund and the BKC Aguka Fund. By the end of December 2024, their total assets under management (AUM) had grown to RWF 67.49 billion, with 34,465 unit holders, up from RWF 64 billion and 28,895 unit holders in June 2024.

This growth reflects increasing investor confidence and participation in Rwanda's capital markets.
Agnes Nyirankeza, CEO of BCP Investment Managers noted that "The CIS industry can help create quality jobs in Rwanda by employing financial analysts and portfolio managers. It is a crucial part of our economy, offering diverse investment opportunities with professional management."

Siongo Kisoso, Managing Director of BK Capital stressed that "The future of CIS in Rwanda is bright. As the market develops, we expect greater innovation, increased investor participation, and a wider range of investment options. CIS provide a balanced approach, combining professional management with accessibility and risk diversification."

Jonathan Gatera, CEO of RNIT Iterambere Fund said that since launching in 2016 as Rwanda's first CIS, the RNIT Iterambere Fund has grown its assets from RWF 3 billion to over RWF 45 billion.

'Investors can start with as little as RWF 2,000 and only need an ID card. The Net Asset Value per unit has increased from RWF 1,000 to RWF 1,238, reflecting an annual net return of about 11.78%. We plan to introduce more schemes to enable broader participation,' he said.

Pierre-Célestin Rwabukumba, CEO of the Rwanda Stock Exchange (RSE) expressed commitment to educating the public on CIS, as they provide the easiest access to the market.

'I encourage BK Capital to consider listing on the RSE for visibility, and I urge all stakeholders to introduce more CIS and investment products to expand opportunities for everyone," he advised.

Thapelo Tsheole, CEO of the Capital Market Authority (CMA) explained that CIS offer the simplest entry point for market investment.

'To enhance productivity, we must create more schemes, develop new investment products, and invest in technology. By working together, we can broaden the scope of CIS in Rwanda," he said.

As Rwanda's capital markets continue to expand, the rise of CIS will play a key role in driving financial inclusion and economic development, providing investors with accessible and secure long-term investment opportunities.

Rwanda's financial sector is expanding, creating more opportunities for investors to grow their wealth including Collective Investment Schemes (CIS).


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