François Bayrou has been tasked with forming a new government in the near future. He will lead the French government during challenging economic times, with the budget deficit continuing to rise, from 5.5% last year to 6.6% this year.
Bayrou served as Minister of Education from 1993 to 1997 and as Minister of Justice in 2017. The 73 years old veteran politician who founded the "Mouvement Democrate" party, as Minister of Education during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in is
He is one of the French political figures who deny their country's involvement in these historical events.
In May 2021 when President Macron visited the Kigali Genocide Memorial, he expressed his support for survivors, and offered an apology for France's failure to protect the Tutsi during the Genocide.
Bayrou was a big critic of President Macron's statements, arguing that France has nothing to apologize for since, according to him, France had no role in the genocide.
"If evidence emerges, France will acknowledge mistakes, but I don't like this policy of asking for forgiveness," he said.
In an interview with France TV in June 2021, he revealed that the information he had, was given to him by former President François Mitterrand, who led France from 1981 to 1995, during their many discussions.

Source : https://en.igihe.com/news/article/francois-bayrou-appointed-new-french-pm