On December 22, 2024, Rufyikiri was welcomed by President Evariste Ndayishimiye at the Presidential Office. Photos of the meeting show the two leaders engaging in a cordial and friendly discussion.
The Presidential Office spokesperson, Gatoni Rosine Guilene, shared four photos of Rufyikiri and Ndayishimiye on social media, writing, "It is a joy for the Head of State, Evariste Ndayishimiye, to see citizens returning home freely."
Rufyikiri was among the prominent voices opposing the decision of former President Pierre Nkurunziza to run for a controversial third term. It is reported that his opposition to this move led to threats from the government.
In June 2015, Rufyikiri traveled abroad for medical treatment and decided to remain in exile due to security concerns. During his time outside Burundi, he continued to voice his disapproval of Nkurunziza's extended tenure, which he argued violated the two-term limit set by the Constitution.
In June 2016, Rufyikiri published a 32-page book titled "Echec de la transformation du CNDD-FDD du mouvement rebelle en parti politique au Burundi: une question d'équilibre entre le changement et la continuité" (The Failure to Transform CNDD-FDD from a Rebel Movement into a Political Party in Burundi: Balancing Change and Continuity).
This book examines the CNDD-FDD's rise to power in 2005 and the challenges it faced in transitioning from a rebel movement to a functioning political party.
It is unclear whether Rufyikiri intends to remain in Burundi or plans to return abroad. However, his meeting with President Ndayishimiye, who was a close ally of the late President Nkurunziza, signals a positive step toward reconciliation.