Police impound 45 vehicles conducting public transport illegally #rwanda #RwOT


The spokesperson for Traffic and Road Safety, Superintendent of Police (SP) Emmanuel Kayigi, said the operations that started last week, target taxi hires or rental cars that have been turned into public service vehicles, school buses that also conduct public transport and regional buses that operate in town service.

'It has been observed that some transport companies or vehicles operate contrary to their transport authorization license and routes, which affects other transport companies and cause disorder. As a result, Police and RURA are conducting operations to enforce this transport policy. So far, 45 vehicles have been impounded,' SP Kayigi said.

He added that rental cars especially 7-seaters have resorted to town service transport.

He said: "Some buses going to the Eastern Province, for example, load passengers going to Remera or Kabuga from Nyabugogo. When they are coming back, they load people in Kabuga or Remera going to Nyabugogo.

"The same goes for buses from the Southern Province, that opt for town service as they approach Ruliba Clays. Some school buses also conduct public transport when they are not transporting students. This affect companies that are licensed to conduct town service transport."

The Rwanda National Police (RNP) department of Traffic and Road Safety has warned vehicles that operate contrary to the awarded transport license.


Source : https://en.igihe.com/news/article/police-impound-45-vehicles-conducting-public-transport-illegally

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