Discover the wild serenity of Gishwati-Mukura National Park #rwanda #RwOT


Straddling the ridge that separates the Congo and Nile water catchment areas, the park lies within the ecologically rich Albertine Rift. This hilly landscape offers stunning views both laterally and from above, inviting explorers to immerse themselves in its natural beauty. As one of the few remaining natural forests in the Congo-Nile Divide, Gishwati-Mukura is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers.

A visit to this park is a chance to encounter some of the region's most fascinating species. The park is home to a large number of chimpanzees.

Other species such as servals, genets, civets, and a variety of small mammals roam the forest floors, while amphibians and reptiles thrive in the park's lush environment.

Birdwatchers will be enthralled by the more than 230 bird species spotted in Gishwati and 160 in Mukura, including the rare Black-Fronted Duiker and Southern Tree Hyrax. The park also boasts over 250 plant species, making it a true botanical treasure trove.

The flora of Gishwati-Mukura is equally captivating. Visitors are greeted by a vibrant mix of montane, bamboo, swamp forests, and grasslands. Towering trees like the Harungana montana, Prunus africana, and the impressive giant tree ferns (Cyathea manniana) dominate the landscape. These species not only add to the park's natural beauty but play a crucial ecological role, supporting the delicate balance of life within the forest.

Despite its beauty, Gishwati-Mukura has a history of degradation. Human activities, including encroachment, illegal mining, and livestock farming, have taken a toll on the park, particularly on Gishwati forest, which shrunk dramatically from its original 700 square kilometers in the 1930s to just 6 square kilometers by 2002.

However, thanks to ongoing conservation efforts, the forest has since been restored to 15.7 square kilometers. In 2016, the government elevated Gishwati and Mukura from forest reserves to full national park status, marking a significant milestone in their preservation.

For visitors, Gishwati-Mukura National Park offers a wealth of experiences. Those seeking a deeper connection with the local community can participate in a variety of cultural activities, including handicraft-making, beekeeping, and tea plantation tours.

You can stay on a local farm, enjoy live cultural dances, or learn from traditional healers who use natural plants to complement modern medicine. Gishwati-Mukura promises an unforgettable journey into Rwanda's untamed wilderness.

Gishwati-Mukura National Park is home to a large number of chimpanzees.
Gishwati-Mukura National Park also boasts over 250 plant species.
Gishwati-Mukura National Park was gazetted as Rwanda's fourth national park in 2015.
As one of the few remaining natural forests in the Congo-Nile Divide, Gishwati-Mukura is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Théophile Niyitegeka

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