This two-day event, organized by the Elsa Miller Foundation in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the National Child Development Agency, and Imbuto Foundation, will gather international experts, policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders to discuss critical measures to combat stunting in Rwanda.
Despite Rwanda's impressive strides in child survival, poverty reduction, and agricultural development, stunting remains a persistent challenge. The country's stunting rate decreased from 48% in 2000 to 33% in 2020, yet disparities remain, particularly in rural areas.
Districts in the Western and Northern provinces still report stunting rates above 40%, signaling an urgent need for targeted interventions.
Antenatal and early childhood health programs that focus on providing adequate nutrition, micronutrients, and sanitation have been proven to reduce the incidence of low birth weight, as well as stunting by the age of two.
The meeting aims to examine the current state of stunting in Rwanda, evaluate ongoing efforts, and identify gaps in policy and practice.
The event will be structured around different main objectives which include assessment of the current stunting situation in Rwanda, including the challenges and successes.
The other objective is to learn from global experts about proven interventions and strategies that could be adapted to Rwanda's context and mobilize resources and partnerships for a comprehensive stunting prevention trial set to begin in 2025.
Key stakeholders from the Rwandan government, non-governmental organizations, academia, and international experts will participate in discussions. The meeting will serve as a platform for exchanging knowledge on effective maternal and child health interventions, particularly those that target high-risk populations.
Rwanda's stunting prevention trial, which will commence in 2025, aims to test innovative approaches to combat stunting through improved maternal care, early childhood development, and access to essential health services. The trial is expected to benefit thousands of children and mothers across the country.
With the support of the Elsa Miller Foundation, the meeting highlights the importance of multi-sector collaboration in tackling stunting. By bringing together diverse stakeholders, the event seeks to ensure that children across Rwanda have the opportunity to grow and develop to their full potential.
The anticipated outcome of the meeting is a stronger, more coordinated response to child stunting and a renewed commitment to addressing maternal and newborn health challenges, which remain critical to Rwanda's future.

Sam K Nkurunziza