Juliana Kangeli Muganza previously worked as an analyst in the Strategy and Policy Council at the Office of the President.
She holds a Master's degree in Public Policy from Oxford University and a Bachelor's degree from Drexel University in the United States.
Her previous international experience includes working as the Programme Coordinator at the West Philadelphia Financial Services Institution from May 2013 to May 2014.
RDB was established by Law No. 46/2013 of June 16, 2013. It is tasked with accelerating economic development in Rwanda by supporting the growth of the private sector.
It also has the mandate to participate in the preparation and implementation of policies and strategies aimed at expediting all economic development activities and assisting both the government and the private sector in actively participating in them.
It is responsible for implementing policies and strategies to promote domestic and foreign investment in Rwanda to accelerate economic development.
Additionally, RDB is tasked with implementing policies and strategies to promote the export of value-added goods and services to regional and international markets, except for those under the responsibility of other entities.
RDB also promotes the tourism sector, participates in the design and implementation of policies and strategies related to tourism, and oversees the conservation of national parks and other key tourism sites."

Sam K Nkurunziza
Source : https://en.igihe.com/politics-48/article/juliana-muganza-appointed-new-rdb-deputy-ceo