Man has pondered for ages trying to understand what happens after death, unfortunately we may never know because no dead ever comes back to give an account of what really happens.
The Holy scriptures paint an imagination of the afterlife but with existing accounts of people claiming near-death experiences, this topic remains a subject of contention.
Most religious beliefs adduce to the fact that there is a certain form of afterlife to which people transit after death. These are some of them. Almost all religious perceptions suggest that life after death is grounded in scriptures or traditions.
Christians believe that after death they will be taken into the presence of God, where they will be judged for their deeds while still alive. Depending on the outcome, one would qualify for heaven or hell.
The concept of Hell is also deeply rooted in the idea of free will. Hell is traditionally depicted as a place of eternal fire symbolizing pain and suffering. Hell is viewed as a punishment for not 'doing' God's will while still alive.
While religion teaches that earthly experiences are a foretaste of greater blessings to come after this life, some people dispute these accounts saying those are fabricated stories to attract relevance.
Although some claim to witness apparitions or experience ambiguous sparking thoughts about life beyond death, no one has ever rose from the dead to give a firsthand experience.
The Roman Catholic Church teaches the doctrine of Purgatory, an intermediate state between heaven and hell.
According to this belief, upon death, people who have sinned undergo purification as a way to enter heaven. The catechism of the Roman Catholic Church states that "all who die in God's grace but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation.
It suggests that the dead undergo a cleansing and purification process in purgatory, so as to achieve the 'holiness' necessary to enter the joy of Heaven.
Fr. Fidele Mutabazi, Managing Director of Kinyamateka, a famous local tabloid, shares the view that earthly life is a preparation for a greater, eternal life.
"According to the Catechism of the Church, human life on earth is not merely for earthly pleasures; if it were, it would be a significant loss," he says.
Mutabazi elaborates on the significance of Jesus Christ in Christian faith. "Jesus did not only teach about death but also demonstrated His power over it by raising the dead, such as Lazarus. His resurrection from the dead affirms that death is not the end," he explains.
Christians believe that through baptism, they partake in the life and resurrection of Jesus, giving them hope of eternal life. However, some other different Christian denominations disagree with the idea of purgatory, arguing that once judgment occurs, individuals will stay in either Heaven or Hell for eternity.
Pastor Isaie Ndayizere, a senior pastor and leader of the Association of Pentecostal churches of Rwanda (ADPR), sticks to the hope of resurrection and eternal life for believers.
'According to our teachings, emphasis is put on the existence of eternal life for those who believe in Jesus Christ," he reveals.
The resurrection of the dead is a cornerstone of his faith, hoping that Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead.
"We do not believe in reincarnation. Resurrection does not require one to come back through other forms of existence,' he says.
Theories about life after death, including resurrection, reincarnation, and perpetual oblivion, have been a subject of debate for centuries.
Sheikh Khalifa Nsengiyuma, an Islamic scholar based in Kigali explains that his faith agrees to life after death, based on the Quran teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.
"We believe a life after death but different from our current existence," he reveals. Islam perceives life as a test determining one's final destination, with good deeds leading to paradise and bad deeds to punishment.
Nsengiyuma believes in the concept of Barzakh, where one is rewarded according to their deeds. "Once someone enters this state, it marks the beginning of their individual Day of Judgment. If a person was a believer and did good deeds, they start receiving rewards immediately. On the other hand, a wicked person begins facing punishments for their sins,' he explains.
Sheikh Nsengiyuma pinpoints signs preceding the final judgement, as described by the Prophet Muhammad, such as a mother giving birth to a master, the emergence of a great beast from the earth speaking human language and the sun rising from the west.
"These are the indicators that the final day is approaching, although the exact timing is unknown,' he says.
Despite various debates, no one has definitively brought out the true picture of the afterlife, leaving many to focus on living meaningful lives on earth.
Jean-Paul Sartre, a renowned French philosopher and lifetime atheist is reported to have confessed to the possibility of God's existence before his death in 1980.
Beliefs about life after death vary widely across religions and cultures. While some hold firm convictions based on scriptures, traditions and teachings, others remain skeptical due to the inconclusive nature of this subject.
Ultimately, the mystery of what happens after death continues to intrigue and inspire diverse opinions, leaving little room to fully understand the matter.
But as the old Rwandan adage goes, 'Gira neza wigendere ineza uzayisanga imbere.' Do good and move on without expecting immediate rewards because those acts of kindness will eventually lead to positive outcomes in the future.

Théophile Niyitegeka