Fire breaks out in 2000 Hotel kitchen (Photos) #rwanda #RwOT


The incident occurred a few minutes past 7 AM. However, the kitchen staff and others in the building managed to extinguish the fire before it caused significant damage.

One of the individuals IGIHE spoke to indicated that the fire started from cooking oil, which quickly spread.

Firefighting equipment from the building were used to extinguish the fire.

"We immediately began extinguishing it using the fire extinguishers inside the building. We managed to put it out before it could cause significant damage, but it was challenging," the source revealed.

When you visit the 2000 Hotel building, you'll notice that operations have continued as usual, except on the fifth floor, where there the fire broke out.

Aside from the damage caused to the kitchen equipment and the ceiling where the fire started, no significant damage was reported on the hotel during the incident.

Someone observing from a distance could see how the fire was rapidly intensifying.


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