Upon arrival in Kigali on the night of August 28, 2024, he avoided speaking to the media and is said to have instructed his hosts to keep the visit out of the public eye. He also seemed uncomfortable with anyone trying to take photos or videos of him.
Roumie gained global fame through a crowd-funded television series about the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. He has appeared in television shows such as The Good Wife, As the World Turns, and Castle.
He played the character of Christ for the first time in a touring multi-media project about the life of the Messiah. He is also a voice artist and a public speaker.
A first-generation American, Roumie's father was born in Egypt and is of Syro-Lebanese descent and his mother is from Ireland. Roumie has stated that his great-grandparents on his father's side were Armenian.
Born on July 1, 1974, Roumie also played a significant role in producing, directing, and starring in The Last Days: The Passion and Death of Jesus, a live-action play that depicted the life of Christ.
His voice has also been featured in popular video games like Evolve, Mafia II & III, and The Darkness II. His voice was also used for various characters in the MTV series Celebrity Death Match.
Beyond these, Roumie contributed as an assistant director in the production of the highly popular film Spider-Man. He was also involved in the production of National Treasure and I Am Legend.
At 50 years old, Roumie recently shared on his Instagram account that he has never been married or had children.

Sam K Nkurunziza
Source : https://en.igihe.com/news/article/american-actor-jesus-in-rwanda-on-private-visit