The Final Countdown: Closing the chapter on election campaigns #rwanda #RwOT


The campaigns have showcased several unique and notable characteristics that reflect the country's political culture, democratic maturity, and commitment to development.

Overall, this season has provided a platform of diverse voices and visions for Rwanda's future, emphasizing the importance of inclusive and participatory governance.

Now that the campaign season has come to an end, the focus has shifted to ensuring a peaceful and transparent election, setting the stage for Rwanda's next chapter in governance and development.

As Rwandans look forward to a decisive election that will shape the trajectory of the nation, some key aspects and events have stood out.

There has been diverse political participation by various political parties, including the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF-Inkotanyi), Democratic Green Party of Rwanda (DGPR), Social Democratic Party (PSD), and Liberal Party (PL) where each of them presented distinct platforms and visions for Rwanda's future.

Generally, the campaigns heavily emphasized ongoing and planned infrastructure projects, such as road construction, energy provision, and technological advancements. Candidates highlighted their commitment to continuing Rwanda's rapid development trajectory.

On the last day, Paul Kagame, the RPF-Inkotanyi flag bearer implored the electorate to strive with a singular mission to mainly continue the country's development agenda without getting bothered by what other people say.

'I encourage and assure you that you shall be what you want to be, not how others want you to be. Ignore their ill-fated words because they don't kill. Poverty kills, insecurity kills, ignorance kills but words don't kill,' he said.

'As the government, we have made the right priorities by concentrating on what matters most to the people. Your large numbers here today are testimony to this. I have seen throughout the campaigns that you are a people living for a purpose,' he added.

RPF, known for its significant role in ending the Genocide against the Tutsi in 1994, held its last campaign rally at Gahanga in Kicukiro district.

The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda is the main opposition party.

Throughout the campaign, its flag bearer and presidential hopeful Dr Frank Habineza, focused on promoting environmental sustainability, social justice, and several other political reforms

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) and Liberal Party (PL) joined six other parties to form a coalition and support the RPF candidate for the position of President.

However, in a bid to vie for parliamentary positions, both parties campaigned on platforms of economic growth, social equity, and enhanced democratic practices.

On July 13, 2024, when the official campaigns ended, Dr Vincent Biruta, the leader of PSD said that the decision to support RPF was taken after consultative discussions with the electorate.

'Our position to support RPF was informed by Rwandans who have shown us that they love their president, we also have to accept and support their choice. We are confident that we shall win together,' he said.

On the last day, Paul Kagame, the RPF-Inkotanyi flag bearer implored the electorate to strive with a singular mission to mainly continue the country's development agenda without getting bothered by what other people say.

Sam K Nkurunziza

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