He said, 'We commend the voters on the way they conducted themselves during the voting process. It was smooth and successful,' Munyaneza said in an interview with IGIHE shortly after the election.
He also commended the political parties for respecting the rules and regulations regarding the campaigning process and the voting exercise.
'Today, we did not see any campaigning activities on the streets, at polling stations, or elsewhere, and we thank those who contributed to this,' he emphasized.
Munyaneza noted that although voting commenced beyond the stipulated time in some parts of the country, voter turnout at most polling stations was high.
By press time, voting in some areas was still underway as provided for by the electoral laws in cases where there are valid reasons for voting to continue beyond the designated time.
He indicated that the three districts where voting was extended beyond the designated time are Gasabo, Kamonyi, and Bugesera, but elsewhere vote counting was already underway.
Munyaneza highlighted that the provisional results will be announced by the NEC so as to satisfy the curiosity of Rwandans regarding the election process.
He stated, 'When we talk about preliminary results, we distinguish them from those provided for by the law. Preliminary results are provided by the National Electoral Commission to give Rwandans an early insight into the election outcomes. It is to satisfy their curiosity by showing them the current state of affairs. However, the law stipulates that the final results are announced five days after the elections.'
He indicated that journalists are allowed to follow the vote-counting process and take photos of how it is progressing.
At IGIHE, we shall keep you updated.

Sam K Nkurunziza
Source : https://en.igihe.com/politics-48/article/nec-confirms-smooth-and-successful-voting-process