Inside RPF's plan to create 250,000 new jobs annually #rwanda #RwOT


The pledge translates into the creation of at least 680 jobs per day with a special focus on women and youth, according to the ruling party's five-year manifesto.

The plan entails a stronger collaboration with the private sector to boost productivity and economic growth over the 2024-2029 period.

Available statistics indicate that the job creation rate has been on an upward trajectory over the last seven years. This is despite the measures put in place to protect the health of the population during the COVID-19 pandemic, which temporarily halted some economic activities.

"By the year 2024, a total of 1,200,000 jobs have been created, representing 80% of the planned target," the manifesto reads in part.

To achieve the new target, the RPF party plans to continue promoting technical and language skills, improving job market readiness, and supporting entrepreneurs to access capital.

"There will be increased efforts to facilitate small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in accessing capital and enhancing project management skills to create more jobs," the manifesto adds.

Additionally, the RPF plans to establish a mechanism to increase the number of jobs generated by large projects in various sectors, leveraging existing economic opportunities such as Bugesera International Airport, which is expected to start operations by 2028, Nyagatare Milk Plant, and the newly refurbished Amahoro Stadium.

Other efforts include the creation of a system that would simplify the exchange of information between employers and job seekers.

RPF further commits to promoting and forging partnerships aimed at increasing knowledge and job opportunities in the national, regional, and international job markets through economic diplomacy.


The ruling party pledges to improve programs that develop technology and science projects, fostering innovation that creates jobs. The Kagame administration also commits to intensified efforts to create new jobs in cross-border services and the creative industry.

If re-elected the RPF administration also promises to enhance the capacity of professional associations and skill providers (sector skills councils) so that the private sector can collaborate with skill providers to identify and focus on job market needs.

Partnerships between the public and private sectors will also be prioritised to help the youth gain practical experience and learn on the job.

Part of the RPF administration's plan to create new jobs includes expanding local industries with the output projected to grow by at least 13 percent annually until 2029.

To minimise expenditure on imports, plans are underway to set up a glass manufacturing plant for construction materials and bottles for beverage industries.

Further, the party pledges to increase the capacity of existing industries processing agricultural and livestock products with focus being on adding value to products for both domestic and international markets.

At least three new pharmaceutical industries producing medicines and other medical supplies will be established within the next five years.

Other projects include the establishment of a lithium processing plant to add value before export, alongside improvements in the processing of other valuable minerals like gemstones. A plant for manufacturing ceramics, tiles, and other related products is also among the pledges.

The unemployment rate in Rwanda stood at 12.9 percent by the end of the first quarter of 2024, according to the Labour Force survey conducted by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR).

The unemployment rate dropped by 4.3 per cent in the first quarter of 2024. NISR said the significant decline brought back the unemployment rate to the pre-COVID-19 estimate of 13.1 per cent.

The latest trend shows that in the first quarter of 2024, one person was unemployed for every eight people in the labour force.

According to the report, gender disparities persist in unemployment, with females experiencing a higher rate at 14.5 per cent compared to males at 11.5 percent.

Furthermore, youth face a notably higher unemployment rate of 16.6 percent compared to adults at 10.3 percent.

Part of the RPF administration's plan to create new jobs includes expanding local industries with the output projected to grow by at least 13 percent annually until 2029.

Wycliffe Nyamasege

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